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The Course

Open - 90 Degrees / Golf Course closes 7:15PM

Driving Range

Last Bucket Sold: 4:30 PM / Last Ball Hit 5:00 PM

Pro Shop

Open 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

The Grill

Open 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Get Fitted Today!

Hillandale has award winning knowledgeable PGA certified golf professionals to help you achieve your goals. It is our belief that no fitting goes without some very important swing discussions/evaluations as this can effect equipment and ball flight performance. Come in and see what we can do for your game.


Improve Your Game With a Lesson!

Whether you want to learn the fundamentals of the game or you're just tuning up your golf swing, Hillandale Golf Course is the go to place for individual and group lessons! Our PGA provide a wide array of expertise that will leave you feeling confident for your next round on the course. Call or visit the Pro Shop to schedule your next lesson.